Reactivity of routine HIV antibody tests in children with perinatally acquired HIV-1 in England: cross-sectional analysis

26 Apr, 2019

Authors: Fidler KJ, Foster C, Lim EJ, et al.; for Collaborative HIV Paediatric Study (CHIPS) Steering Committee

Published in: Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2019;38(2):146-148

Abstract We assessed HIV antibody prevalence in children with perinatally acquired HIV in England. Eighteen percent (10/55) of those starting combination antiretroviral therapy <6 months of age were seronegative at median age 9.1 years and had lower viral load at diagnosis and combination antiretroviral therapy start and fewer viral rebounds, than 45 of 55 seropositives. Implications for patient selection for HIV cure research, and interpretation of routine antibody testing, are discussed.