First patient enrolled in PediCAP trial

17 Dec, 2020

We are proud to announce that on the 7th of December 2020, the PediCAP team at Makerere University at the China-Uganda Friendship Hospital Naguru (Kampala, Uganda) recruited the very first participant into the PediCAP clinical trial.

Though the study experienced a delayed start due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the drive and commitment of the Ugandan team ensured all ethical and regulatory approvals were acquired by June 2020, and that the trial drugs and other necessities were available in October and November 2020.

The site officially launched on the 4th of December 2020, and the first participant, a 6-month-old boy, was enrolled within three days.


PediCAP is a 5-year research project focused on antibiotic treatment of severe and very severe childhood pneumonia. The project hopes to make available, oral paediatric treatments that can reduce mortality and minimize the length of hospital stay of children in lower- and middle-income countries.