Penta Trainer – Brazil

27 Mar, 2020

“Important; Necessary; Irreplaceable”

 I have been working with HIV children since the beginning of the epidemic in Brazil in 1984, president of the Association for the Aid of Children and Adolescents with HIV. Throughout the years Penta Training has brought the possibility of imparting scientific knowledge on the management of HIV infected children to developing countries, attempting to adapt this knowledge to the reality of these countries with the purpose of improving the clinical evolution of these patients. While in developed countries there is control over vertical transmission and consequently a decrease in infection, in developing countries in Africa and Latin America the problem remains high – with few resources and strong social stigma. The difference between PentaTr@ining and other courses I have participated in is the close relationship between those who transmit knowledge and the professionals from these participating countries. I’ve found this enables the discovery of alternative paths with the scope of better care in these populations.