2022 End of Year Message from the President of the Penta Foundation, Carlo Giaquinto

30 Dec, 2022

It’s been an incredible year, and Penta is well and thriving. We have worked hard and accomplished so much, none of which would have been possible without our partners, collaborators and, of course, the children and families who took part in our studies. I am ever grateful to have you with us as we work towards ensuring that there are safe and effective drugs in the right doses, at the right time, for children and pregnant women around the world. 

Penta’s work over this last year has contributed to improving health outcomes for children and pregnant women. These fragile populations are often overlooked and experience the poorest health outcomes, but we have stayed true to our mission and continued to work with our partners to develop treatments, medications, and other interventions that are tailored to their needs, so we can achieve optimal outcomes for mothers and children

Take for example ODYSSEY, one of our most impactful studies on paediatric dolutegravir (DTG). Thanks to important research such as this, now more than 50% of children living with HIV in low- and middle-income countries have been transferred from previous antiretroviral therapy to DTG-containing regimens. This means that children are now offered safer, more effective, anti-HIV medication with fewer side effects that is easy to supply within countries around the world. 

Let’s not forget that at the heart of Penta’s mission are children and newborns, including premature babies. These vulnerable children are particularly susceptible to bacterial infections, which are made worse by the growing threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). We believe that through a comprehensive, joint effort with our partners around the world, we can speed up access to antibiotics and facilitate the update and routine implementation of global treatment guidelines. I am confident that together, we can make a positive impact in the fight against AMR. 

The children and families involved in our studies have the right to identities beyond their illnesses, so I am thrilled that Penta has endorsed the People First Charter and believe in the positive impact it will have on them. This Charter helps to set a standard necessary to ensure that the language we use does not perpetuate discrimination and stigma. It is a clear example of how we, as a collective, can work together to build a brighter future. I am grateful to those involved in creating this Charter and am confident that it can make a difference. 

2022 will always hold a special place in my heart. It was the year we could finally come together not just as colleagues, partners and collaborators, but as friends as well. After being forced apart by COVID-related restrictions, we could once again embrace one another, share our science and celebrate the close contact we all missed so much.  

I could not be prouder of Penta’s hardworking staff, their dedication and commitment to our cause is the lever that allows our aspirations to translate into reality. Let us keep the momentum going into the new year and reach new heights. 

Here’s to continued success in 2023! 

Carlo Giaquinto