Annual reports

A warming planet, shifting ecosystems, and our expanding reach, all sow the seeds of new health threats. Research must broaden its scope beyond human health to encompass the root causes of emerging diseases that threaten children and pregnancies everywhere.

Cultivating impact in 2023

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10 milestones of 2023

Click on the icons to learn more about Penta’s milestones in 2023.


Pandemic Preparedness:
Investing in Research Preparedness

Penta Research Environment

Infection Prevention and Control:
NeoIPC Clinical Practice Network

Patient and Public Involvement:
Penta Young Reporters

Penta Brighter Future Award

New HIV Treatment Guidelines

Antimicrobial Resistance Online Course

Capacity Building:
Team-COACH Launch

Diversity and Equality:
Gender Equality

Investing in our People

Our success hinges on the talent, dedication, and wellbeing of our staff. As part of our 2020-2024 strategy, we are committed to cultivating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive work environment where everyone feels valued and empowered to contribute their best.

Our respect for the planet

At Penta, we believe in creating a positive impact not just on children’s health, but also on the environment we all share. We want our offices to be great places for our staff – and for the planet.

Advancing research on maternal and child health

2023 marked a year of significant progress for Penta. In the face of ongoing infectious disease challenges, our team leveraged innovative approaches and fostered strong collaborations to deliver impactful outcomes.

Our financial results

Revenues by research area

This chart showcases the evolving landscape of Penta’s research focus. While HIV research continues to be a cornerstone, we see a significant growth in emerging and neglected infections activities. In addition to this, the use of resources in AMR and network building have continued to grow, building upon the trends observed in previous years.

Expenses by type of activity

This chart illustrates the percentage distribution of our resource allocation across different activities for 2023. As you can see, a significant portion of our resources are directed towards the implementation of clinical trials and cohort studies.

Revenues by funder

As shown in this chart, Penta enjoys strong partnerships with a variety of funding sources. Private institutions contribute the majority of our funding, reflecting our commitment to collaboration across sectors. The European Commission remains a key public sector partner.

Looking ahead

Building on the momentum of past achievements and valuable lessons learnt, Penta is charting a course for a brighter future in child health research.

Our strategic priorities for 2024 include collaboration, innovation and equity, all designed to translate scientific advancements into real-world solutions.


Our previous reports

  • Annual Report 2022
  • Penta Foundation’s 2022 Financial Statements (pdf)
  • Report of the Independent Auditor (pdf)
  • Remunerations of the statutory bodies (pdf)
  • Annual Report 2021
  • Penta Foundation’s 2021 Financial Statements (pdf)
  • Report of the Independent Auditor (pdf)
  • Comunicazione ai sensi Art. 1 commi  125–129 Legge 06.04.22 N. 124 (pdf)
  • Annual Report 2020
  • Nota integrativa abbreviata ex Art. 2435 bis C.C. al rendiconto chiuso il 31/12/2019 (pdf)
  • Rendiconto di esercizio al 31/12/2020 (pdf)